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  • First off, we see again prophecy being fulfilled with John the Baptist. Also John the Baptist was important in helping teach people about Jesus Christ before He came.
  • Second, John baptized after people confessed their sins.
  • Third, the Pharisees and Sadducees supposedly were the “righteous” people of that time, but John called them sinners, most of the pretended to be good on the outside.
  • Fourth, of all the people on the earth, Christ went to John to be baptized. John had the authority to baptize.
  • Fifth, the Holy Ghost descended as a dove. Doves are typically known as symbols of peace.
  • Sixth, the voice of God isn’t often quoted word for word in the scriptures. But in verse 17 “And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God introduced His son.

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